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Parking Lot Management Office

이 테이블은 고려대학교 주차관리소 위치 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 지역별 주차관리소 위치 근무시간 연락처 표 입니다.
Operating Hours
Humanities and Social Science Campus
To the left of SingSing Juice, B1F, Central Plaza
- Near Gate 4 (if you exit from the parking lot)
Weekdays 09:00–18:00
Saturdays 09:00–12:00
Closed on Holidays and Sundays
Natural Science Campus
In front of Pillar 58, B2F
Hana Square
Anam Hospital
B2F New Wing
Weekdays 08:00–17:30
Saturdays 08:00–12:30
Closed on Holidays and Sundays

※Discounted parking tickets can be purchased only during the operating hours of the parking lot management office.

Regular Parking Plans

이 테이블은 고려대학교 월 주차요금 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 신분별 정기주차요금 비고 정보 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Eligible Groups
Monthly Parking Fee (KRW)
Additional Vehicles of Professors/Staff/Lecturers
Per additional vehicle
Teaching/Research Assistants & Ph.D. Students of the KU Graduate School
Students of Special Graduate Schools/Researchers
Construction Vehicles
Physical Disability Index 1-3
Free of Charge
Physical Disability Index 4-6
50% Off
Certificate of physical handicap should be presented
  • You can register your own vehicle(s) only. Vehicles owned by others cannot be registered for Regular Parking Plans and will be charged the standard fees.
  • Graduate students who have completed coursework can purchase Regular Parking Plans by submitting a Certificate of Enrollment for Dissertation Supervision.
  • You must renew your Regular Parking Plan within one (1) year of expiration.
  • You can submit a different set of documents if your eligibility group changes (e.g., if a Ph.D. student graduates and becomes a faculty member). In such cases, the change applies immediately.

* Required Documents for Regular Parking Plans

이 테이블은 고려대학교 정기승차권 신청시 구비서류 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 정기승차권 신청시 신분별로 필요한 구비 서류를 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Eligible Groups
Required Documents
A copy of the Vehicle Registration Card
In the case of registering vehicles owned by a family member,
the family relationship needs to be confirmed via a Certificate of Family Relationship or a Certificate of Resident Registration
Certificate of Employment
Research/Teaching Assistants & Researchers
Certificate of Employment (needs to be submitted every semester)
Ph.D. Students & Students of Special Graduate Schools
Certificate of Enrollment (needs to be submitted every semester)
Tenants/Vendors/Banks/Postal Services
A copy of the Business Registration
Rental contract
Certificate of Employment
Construction Vehicles/Suppliers/Visitors/etc.
- Lease contract (in the case of leased vehicles) or vehicle purchase contract
Construction Vehicles/Suppliers/Visitors/etc.
A copy of the Business Registration
Certificate of Employment
* Only vehicles for construction ordered by Korea University may be registered
(A copy of the contract for the construction needs to be provided unless separately confirmed by the KU Construction Team)

Discounted Parking Tickets for Business Purposes (Only available for Professors, Staff, and Lecturers)

이 테이블은 고려대학교 행사 주차요금 안내 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 행사 주차요금 안내 주차시간, 주차요금, 비고 정보 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Parking Duration
Price (KRW)
2 Hours
-Professors/staff/lecturers may purchase up to 30 tickets a month by presenting their faculty/staff ID card.
-In the case of a university event, additional discount tickets may be purchased without a specific limit.
In order to purchase discounted parking tickets for business purposes, a purchase form should be submitted to the relevant Parking Lot Management Office.
(This needs to be confirmed by the General Affairs Team and a document confirming the details of the event should be provided.)
The form can be downloaded from the KU Portal (KUPID) (accessible via Knowledge - General Affairs - Forms).
4 Hours
Same Day (up to 24 hours)

Discounted Parking Tickets for the Graduate School (Not available for students who have completed their coursework)

이 테이블은 고려대학교 대학원용 할인주차권 요금 안내 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 대학원용 할인주차권 안내 주차시간, 주차요금, 비고 정보 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Parking duration
Same Day (up to 24 hours)
-Students of Special Graduate Schools who have not registered for Regular Parking Plans: Up to 7 discounted parking tickets a month
-Master’s Program Students: Up to 5 discounted parking tickets a month (either a student ID card, certificate of enrollment, or certificate of tuition fee payment should be presented)

Parking Tickets for Events at Hwajeong Tiger Dome (Venue Rental) (Can be purchased at the Anam Hospital Parking Lot Management Office)

이 테이블은 고려대학교 외부대관 행사 주차요금 안내 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 외부대관 행사 주차요금 안내 주차시간, 주차요금, 비고 정보 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Parking Duration
An external entity rents Hwajeong Tiger Dome for an event
Same Day (up to 24 hours)
The parking lots on the Humanities/Social Science and the Natural Science campuses may be used.
(Parking lots at the Medical Center cannot be used.)

Standard Parking Fees

이 테이블은 고려대학교 일반 주차요금 안내 게시판입니다.
고려대학교 일반 주차요금 안내 주차시간, 주차요금, 적용기준 정보 제공으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Parking Duration
Under 10 Minutes
Free of charge (considered a drive-through)
10-30 Minutes
2,000 KRW (base fare)
30 Minutes - 2 Hours
500 KRW for every additional 10 minutes
More than 2 Hours
1,000 KRW for every additional 10 minutes
Maximum Daily Charge
KRW 40,000

Important Information

  • Discounted parking tickets for construction vehicles are KRW 10,000. (The ticket is usable for the Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, and Medical Science parking lots, but only for construction works ordered by Korea University.)
  • Two (2) Same-Day discounted parking tickets may be used consecutively if your vehicle leaves the parking lot after midnight (00:00).
  • Same-Day discounted parking tickets are valid for the period 00:00-24:00. 2-Hours and 4-Hours tickets may not be used consecutively.
  • Once discounted parking tickets expire, KRW 1,000 will be charged for every 10 minutes thereafter to a maximum daily charge of KRW 40,000.
  • Unused discounted parking tickets may be refunded.
  • Students who have completed their coursework cannot purchase discounted parking tickets.


General Affairs Team
Tel: 02-3290-1161 E-mail: Fax: 02-923-3174 Update : 2023-05-03